Alvin Childress, Spencer Williams Jr. , Tim Moore, Ernestine Wode, Amando Randolph, Johnny Lee and. Horace Stewar, and much more. The Amos 'N Andy Show achieved notoriety in the 1950's as a hilarious comedy. While stylized, as comedy often is, it was this very style along with superb acting characterized each episode. As we watch the timeless antics of the Kingfish. Andy, Sapphire, Momma, Amos, Algonquin J calhoun, and Lightning, we see a full measure of ourselves and laugh heartily. You are cordially invited to enter this very special world of comedy and message as only this cast could create it.
Includes 5 Episodes- Getting Mama Married 1
- Getting Mama Married 2
- Andy Buys a House
- The Happy Stevens
- Arabia.